So, here’s the thing, I’ve been thinking; a dangerous pursuit, and one which I usually try to avoid because it often leads to ‘consequences’. For a while now I’ve been considering how I’d like to move forward with my painting. Until now, all bar a few personal commissions, I have painted pretty much for my own satisfaction.
However, I think the time has come for me to consider offering my paintings for sale. It’s been in my mind for a while, but the time now seems right, and a few events have helped fix the idea.

First, I had a very good reception for the paintings I submitted, albeit unsuccessfully, to the Staffordshire Open Art exhibition. And thanks to that interest I recently sold my acrylic ‘March sky over the backs’. Really encouraging.

Second, and for me this is important, I’ve been invited by friend and colleague Andy Bill to exhibit at ‘Closer to the Art 2’ which will be held on Saturday October 25th in Stone, Staffordshire. Andy, a scarily talented sculptor of magnificent dragons, is once again bringing together a range of fine artists and craftspeople. Small, but perfectly formed – be sure to make a note now in your calendar.
Third, and finally, I’m getting a wee bit excited about my annual pilgrimage back to the Lizard in Cornwall next week. It’s such an inspirational part of the world, and never fails to get the creative juices going. The bottom line is I want to come back with a selection of new paintings, some of which I hope to offer for sale here.
Blimey, a whole new scary world…
Right, I’d better get organised then. First it would be nice to see if there’s wider interest ‘out there’, which is where you come in.
If you’d like me to email you whenever I post a painting for sale, please submit this form and I’ll place you on my shiny new mailing list. Thank you.